Gottman Level 2 Clinical Training

Coming Soon!

Gottman Level 2

October 4,5,6, 2024

10 AM – 6 PM

NOTE: This event is a combo - in-person and zoom. 

This first two days of this training (October 4 & 5) will be in-person conveniently located at The Mercer Island Community and Event Center. 

The third day, October 6, will be via zoom.

NOTE: Participants MUST attend the first two days in person and the last day remotely in order to receive a certificate of completion. NO exceptions.

 Location: The Mercer Island Community and Event Center

                        8236 SE 24th Street  

                        Mercer Island, WA 98040


Professionals:  $675.00 ($50 discount if paid in full before September 15) - CE credit is available through National Marriage Seminars for an additional $39.99 fee. 

This fee includes:

  • PDF download of Level 2 Clinical Training Manual (Value - over $200).
  • On-Demand Drs. John & Julie Schwartz-Gottman’s Level 2 training recently presented to keep and view in your online account on The Gottman Institutes website.

Graduate Students: Graduate Students (proof of enrollment required) receive a significantly discounted rate – please email Dr. Lampson for more information about cost and registration at [email protected]


NOTE: In order to take the Level 2 training, you must have completed the Level One training.

To Register - Email Dr. Lampson at [email protected]. Include your name, cell phone number, and preferred email address. She will register you for the course and invoice for payment using square.

 Refund/ Cancellation Policy: 

- If your cancellation is made on or before the Early Bird Registration deadline of September 15, a full refund minus a $75 processing fee will be given.

-If you cancel after September 15, no refund will be given.


The Level 2 Training is the second in the series of 3 clinical training workshops for students and professionals interested in learning the Gottman Method of Couples Therapy. After taking the Level One training, I felt overwhelmed and unsure. After taking the Level Two, I felt equipped to start using the Gottman Method with my couples. 

Level 2 is a great opportunity to practice many of the interventions you learned in Level One through guided role plays including Interrupting Flooding, the Gottman-Rapoport, the Dreams Within Conflict, the Aftermath of a Fight, the Art of Compromise, and the Stress-Reducing Conversation.

 In addition, you will learn how to recognize and work with couples with some of the common co-morbidities – affairs, addiction, PTSD, and domestic violence.

 If you are a licensed clinician, you can earn up to 21 CE credits. There is an additional $39.99 cost. 

 Here are the Level 2 core objectives. By the end of the training, you will be able to…

·      Explain the basics of observation including why it is important to recognize emotions on the human face, tension in the voice, and the importance of words.

·      Demonstrate the seven levels of The Sound Relationship House theory.

·      See how to recognize bids and turning towards,

·      Learn how to explain the components of the first three assessment sessions – the oral history interview, the individual interview, and the feedback session.

·      Conduct a feedback session including how to formulate a treatment plan and how to present it to the couple using The Sound Relationship House structure.

  • Describe the use of the core assessments with couples, including the Locke-Wallace, Weiss-Cerretto, Gottman Sounds Relationship House Questionnaires, Gottman 19 Areas Checklist, EAQ, SCL-90, Detour Scales, CAGE, and b-MAST.
  • Explain and demonstrate the rules for Gentle Start Up.
  • Develop interventions that couples can use as antidotes to the “Four Horsemen”.
  • Prepare couples to physiologically soothe when flooded.
  • Select and implement interventions to help deal with conflict.
  • Apply different modes of changing the “Attack/Defend System” in a couples interaction.
  • Assist couples to establish dialogue about their gridlocked conflicts.
  • Instruct couples on how to work towards compromise on perpetual problems using the Two Oval method.
  • Describe the five steps of processing a fight or a regrettable incident using the Aftermath of a Fight intervention.
  • Use and describe the Stress-Reducing Conversation to minimize relapse.
  • Select and implement interventions to help couples deepen their “Friendship System” by working on Fondness and Admiration.
  • Select and implement interventions to help couples Build Shared Meaning with Rituals of Connection Identify and formulate a plan for different co-morbidities common to couples using Gottman Method Couples Therapy.
  • Describe how to apply Gottman Method Couples Therapy to a couple who has experienced an affair.
  • Describe when it is appropriate and inappropriate to use Gottman Method Couples Therapy with a couple dealing with substance abuse.
  • Describe how to apply Gottman Method Couples Therapy to a couple experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
  • Describe the differences between situational and characterological domestic violence and when it is appropriate and inappropriate to use Gottman Method Couples Therapy with a couple dealing with domestic violence.

Instructor: Kim Lampson, PhD, Certified Gottman Therapist

Dr. Kim Lampson is a licensed psychologist, professor of graduate psychology, and a clinician in private practice who specializes in couples therapy. In 2014, Dr. Lampson became enamored with the Gottman Method of Couples Therapy and became a Certified Gottman Therapist in 2017. Sharing what she has learned about couples therapy is one of her passions and she thoroughly enjoys giving these workshops.

Dr. Lampson is the author of Therapy for Relationship with Eating Disorders: A Clinician’s Guide to Gottman-RED Couples Therapy to be released by Norton in December. John and Julie Gottman wrote the foreword for the book.  Her website is and her email is [email protected]

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